One day, a farmer decided to visit town to catch a movie. As he approached the ticket booth, the agent noticed something unusual and asked, “Sir, what’s that on your shoulder?”
The farmer replied, “Oh, that’s my pet rooster, Chuck. He goes wherever I go.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” the ticket agent said, “but we don’t allow animals in the theater.”
Determined to see the film, the farmer stepped around the corner, gently placed Chuck inside his overalls, and returned to purchase a ticket. He entered the theater and found a seat beside two elderly widows named Penny and Marge.
As the movie began, Chuck became restless, so the farmer unbuttoned his fly to let the rooster poke his head out and watch the screen.
Penny leaned over to Marge and whispered, “Marge, I think the man next to me is a pervert.”
“Why do you say that?” Marge inquired.
“He unzipped his pants, and he has his thing out,” Penny murmured.